Expert: Abolition of morality police in Iran only meant to be distraction

The Iranian Prosecutor General's statement about the intention to abolish the morality police of the country is most likely to divert the attention of the global press and Western governments from the internal situation, Umud Shokri, Washington-based Senior Foreign Policy Advisor and Energy Strategist, told Report.

According to Shokri, this is most likely a "psychological operation" carried out by the propaganda and security apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to him, the lack of personal freedoms in the country, numerous economic problems, and systematic discrimination against ethnic groups led to an increase in the scale of protests that erupted 3 months ago after the murder of Mahsa Amini in Iran by the morality police.

“Iran may be able to crush these protests sooner or later, but Iran's political history in the modern era can be divided into the period before and after the murder of Mahsa Amini,” added Shokri.

The expert noted that Iran may loosen the hijab requirements in the short term and the overall atmosphere of total police control in the country, but in the medium term, dress code restrictions for women will still apply.

However, the analyst believes that the more important issues that threaten the future of Iran are not the protests of recent months, but a potential water and environmental crisis, climate change, and energy problems.

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