European Parliament allows full membership of Ukraine in EU by 2029

Ukraine’s accession to the EU may follow the scenario of other Central European states, MEP, former Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius said, Report informs referring to foreign media.

He noted that in particular, it took Poland about four years just to negotiate on integration into the union.

“We want them [negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU] to be held in the same way as with Central Europe. It took Lithuania three years to negotiate with the EU, Poland four years - this is a large country, commensurate with Ukraine <...> If you work in at a good pace, we can hope that already in 2029 Ukraine will be able to participate in the elections of the European Parliament as a full member of the EU,” Kubilius said.

As the MEP pointed out, entry will require work not only from Kyiv, but also from the European Union. He also added that political will is required from Brussels to accept Ukraine into the association.

“Both sides must work: Ukraine must make reforms, and the European Union must muster the political will and return the ambitions of building a new European architecture, providing for the membership of Ukraine, Moldova, and maybe Georgia,” Kubilius stressed.

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