EU develops cooperation plan with Eastern Partnership countries

Today the European Commission and the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy outlined a proposal on how to take forward priorities for cooperation with Eastern partners in the years to come, Report informs, citing the European Sting.

This agenda is based on the five long-term objectives, with resilience at its core, as defined for the future of the Eastern Partnership in March 2020. It will be underpinned by a €2.3 billion Economic and Investment plan in grants, blending, and guarantees, with a potential to mobilize up to €17 billion in public and private investments. This proposal will contribute to the discussions on the future Eastern Partnership policy, including at the Eastern Partnership summit planned for December 2021.

The comprehensive agenda aims to increase trade, growth, and jobs, invest in connectivity, strengthen democratic institutions and the rule of law, support green and digital transitions, and promote fair, gender-equal, and inclusive societies.

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said: “The Eastern Partnership remains high on the European Union’s agenda. At the heart of our work will be promoting democracy, good governance, and the rule of law, which are so crucial to unlock positive, concrete results in our cooperation.”

The proposals will be discussed with partner countries, EU Member states, civil society, and other key stakeholders in view of the 6th Eastern Partnership Summit in December 2021.

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