EU demands from Armenia to close nuclear power plant

The Armenian nuclear power plant in Metsamor is arranged in such a way which makes it impossible to be improved under modern safety requirements for the production of atomic energy, and therefore it should be closed as soon as possible, Report informs, referring to Vestnik Kavkaza newspaper.

This provision is contained in the European Commission working group’s report on implementing the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement (CEPA) in 2020.

"The nuclear power plant located in Metsamor cannot be upgraded to the level required by internationally recognized nuclear safety standards, and therefore must be closed as soon as possible and safely decommissioned," the document says.

In this regard, the European Commission noted the need for the earliest possible formation of an appropriate roadmap for the Armenian power plant’s closure.

The Metsamor nuclear power plant has been operating in Armenia since 1976 using outdated technologies. After the earthquake in Armenia in 1988, the Metsamor nuclear power plant was closed, but in 1995 the plant resumed operation, despite calls and harsh criticism from the international community.

The Metsamor plant increases its capacity and operates without observing the relevant safety standards.

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