Erdogan: Technological development is one of Turkiye's priorities

The Turkish government is developing programs for the development of the country with an eye on 50 years ahead. The approach made it possible to form the basis for the achievements of recent decades, including in the technological field, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at the presentation of a mobile app of the ruling Justice and Development Party's (AKP) in Ankara on Thursday.

Report informs citing Anadolu that Erdogan listed the creation of the domestic Togg electric vehicle, the Kizil Elma unmanned military aircraft, the ANKA attack drone, the Atak and Gokbay helicopters, and the fifth-generation domestic military aircraft development project among Turkiye's technological achievements.

According to him, to date, the number of technology companies in Turkiye worth more than $1 billion has reached six.

"Owing to the steps of the past decades, Turkiye has emerged from the category of states dependent on technology imports. Modern Turkiye is one of the players that directs the trends of technological development globally," the politician stressed.

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