Deputy PM: Over 2,000 Ukrainian children forcibly taken to Russia

"More than 2,000 Ukrainian children have been forcibly taken to Russia so far," said Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories, Iryna Vereschuk, Report informs, citing UNIAN.

"We now have information that more than 2,000 Ukrainian children have been taken to Russia illegally. However, we have not yet collected and specified information about all the children," she said.

Vereschuk also added that the authorities are scrupulously dealing with the appeals of children's relatives and friends:

"So far, we have managed to return 44 children."

She recalled that earlier, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine appealed to the UN on the inadmissibility of the adoption of abducted Ukrainian children by Russian families.

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