Davutoglu: Turkey will not tolerate terror from Syria and Iraq

Baku. 14 October. REPORT.AZ/ "We will not tolerate that terror from Syria and Iraq, nor that weapons stockpiled there, reach Turkey," Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu said Wednesday.

"Turkey will not accept any cooperation with terror groups fighting against Turkey. We have shared this with U.S. and Russia," he said at a joint press conference with his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov in Istanbul.

The U.S. media reported that Washington airdropped 50 tons of small arms ammunition and grenades in northern Syria on Sunday after effectively ending the failing train-and-equip program, which was supposed to train moderate opposition forces to take on Bashar al-Assad's troops.

"No one can guarantee that arms sent to PYD today will not later be used by the PKK," added Davutoğlu. "Turkey will not tolerate arms aid to groups linked to the PKK."

The Turkish army began air-and-ground operations against the PKK terror organization in July both inside Turkey and in northern Iraq, as the PKK renewed its armed campaign against the Turkish state following a two-and-a-half year lull in the fighting.

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