Armenia no to participate in "Unbreakable Brotherhood-2020"

Armenia has notified the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) that it will not take part in the exercises " Unbreakable Brotherhood-2020" in October this year.

Report informs citing the TASS, CSTO press secretary Vladimir Zaynetdinov said.

"Armenia has notified the CSTO that it will not be able to participate in the Unbreakable Brotherhood-2020 peacekeeping exercises, which are scheduled to be held in Belarus from October 12 to 16 due to the aggravation of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict," he said.

On September 27, the Armenian armed forces carried out a large-scale provocation and intensively fired at the Azerbaijani army's positions on the front line from large-caliber weapons, mortars, and artillery of various calibers. To suppress the enemy's combat activity and ensure the safety of the civilian population, the command of the Azerbaijan Army decided to launch a counter-offensive operation of our troops along the entire front.

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