Azerbaijan sends next humanitarian aid to Ukraine 

Another humanitarian aid consisting of 14 trucks was delivered from Azerbaijan to Ukraine, Report’s Eastern European Bureau infoms.

The humanitarian aid is sent upon the order signed by the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, on July 17, 2023, on the allocation of $7.6 million in aid to support the restoration of sustainable energy supply in the affected areas of Ukraine.

The aid includes more than 555,000 meters of electrical cables and wires. Azerbaijan has already sent humanitarian aid consisting of generators and transformers to Ukraine.

At the reception ceremony, Petro Lutsiv, an official of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine, expressed his gratitude to Azerbaijan: "Today, we again received cable products from friendly Azerbaijan. This is more than 600 km of wires and cables for the repair of the infrastructure destroyed by the enemy. We thank our colleagues from Azerbaijan and all the people of Azerbaijan for their invaluable help in our struggle to defeat the enemy aggression on the territory of Ukraine. We are very grateful. We really appreciate the support during such a difficult time for us."

Sabir Rzayev, advisor of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Ukraine, noted that the next part of the humanitarian aid is planned to be delivered in stages.

Recalling Azerbaijan's aid to Ukraine in the form of transformers and other humanitarian goods, the representative of the embassy also said that the total value of Azerbaijan's humanitarian aid to Ukraine during the war is estimated at more than $33 million.

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