Armenian Foreign Ministry annuls more than 250 diplomatic passports

Baku. 26 September. REPORT.AZ/ More than 250 diplomatic certificates were annulled by the Armenian Foreign Ministry.

Report informs citing the Armenian media that ministry's spokesman made the due statement at a briefing, commenting on the information that Henrikh Mkhitaryan, the captain of the Armenian national football team, is deprived of his passport.

"At the moment, 254 diplomatic passports have been annulled, which after our appeals have not been returned," Balayan said.

He refused to specify who they belonged to, since this information is protected by the Armenian legislation.

He also noted that more than 100 passports were returned voluntarily.

Notably, Armenian media outlets earlier disseminated reports that the captain of the Armenian national team, the midfielder of the London’s "Arsenal", lost his diplomatic passport. 

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