Arestovich talks on course of negotiations: Russia reducing demands

Advisor to the Head of Ukraine’s Presidential Office Oleksii Arestovich told the details of the negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, Report informs citing UNIAN.

According to Arestovich, the Russians are gradually reducing their demands.

“They stopped talking about denazification and so on, and they started talking about a non-bloc status. It was about preventing the deployment of certain types of offensive weapons in Ukraine,” he said.

At the same time, he noted that this reduction in demands shows that the Russian Federation understands that it is not possible to achieve their political goals by military means.

The adviser reminded about the only agreement that was reached during March 3 negotiations.

“There was a theoretical agreement, the consent of the parties, regarding the provision of humanitarian assistance or humanitarian corridors to the encircled cities in Ukraine, cities suffering from the Russian invasion,” he said, adding that this agreement would be supported by the international community.

Earlier the media reported that Russia had the following demands in negotiations with Ukraine: non-bloc status of Ukraine, fixed at the parliamentary level with a referendum; recognition of the "temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine" (which Russia calls “LDNR”), within the administrative framework of Donetsk and Luhansk regions; denazification; Crimea, the return of which Ukraine demands, should be considered separately in the future agreement.

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