Alleged organizer of St. Petersburg blast: I was given command

Baku. 18 April. REPORT.AZ/ One of the alleged organizers of St. Petersburg terror attack Abror Azimov, changed his testimony. He claims that he did not know that he was involved in a terrorist attack. 

Report informs citing the RIA Novosti, he said in the hall of the Basmanny Court of Moscow.

"I do not mind to the arrest. But I did not say that I was involved in the explosion. I am a participant but not direct. I was given a command. I did not realize that I was complicit in terrorist activity”, Azimov said.

Detained in the Moscow region Abror Azimov admitted guilt in organizing a terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro.

Notably, Azimov was detained the day before in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region. According to the Russian Federal Security Service, he was in charge of the training of the suicide bomber Akbarzhon Jalilov.

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