Zakharova: Russia calls on France to refrain from violence against protesters in New Caledonia

Russia calls on the French authorities to refrain from unjustified use of violence against protesters in New Caledonia, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said at a briefing, according to Report.

"We call on Paris to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of the indigenous population of New Caledonia and other overseas territories under its control, and to meet all the high demands that Paris makes to other countries, which, by the way, are completely unreasonable," she said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman emphasized that the events in New Caledonia were the result of long-standing contradictions and growing dissatisfaction with the situation of its indigenous residents.

"Indigenous residents make up 40% of the population of this overseas territory of France. Another confirmation that France's policy towards its former colonies, simply literally renamed overseas territories, is reaching a dead end and is truly a continuation of the colonial and imperial thinking of Paris," she emphasized.

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