US to deploy 27 fifth-generation fighter jets in UK

The United States will begin deploying a squadron of 27 fifth-generation F-35A fighters at Lakenheath Air Base in England this winter, the United States Air Force said, Report informs via The Frontier Post.

“The fighters will arrive this winter,” said the commander of 495 Squadron, which will include the F-35A, Lt. Col. Ian McLaughlin.

It will be the first permanent base of such aircraft outside the United States. Lakenheath Air Force Base is located 113 kilometers northeast of London. Currently, there are American F-15 fighters in two squadrons.

In September, Air Force General Tod Walters, Chief of United States European Command and NATO Supreme Commander in Europe, announced plans by NATO member countries to deploy a total of 450 F-35 fighters from the national Air Force at their 12 bases.

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