US, South Korea and Japan condemn Russia-North Korea military co-op

The United States, South Korea and Japan have condemned the deepening military cooperation between North Korea and Russia, including the continued supply of weapons from North Korea to Russia, as was reflected in joint statement by the three countries published on US Department of State's website, Report informs via Ukrainska Pravda.

The US, South Korea, and Japan condemn in the strongest possible terms deepening military cooperation between the DPRK and Russia, including continued arms transfers from the DPRK to Russia that prolong the suffering of the Ukrainian people, violate multiple United Nations Security Council Resolutions, and threaten stability in both Northeast Asia and Europe.

The statement emphasized that the development of a partnership between North Korea and Russia, as evidenced by the signing of the Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership during the visit of Russian leader Vladimir Putin to Pyongyang on June 19, "should be of grave concern to anyone with an interest in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, upholding the global non-proliferation regime, and supporting the people of Ukraine as they defend their freedom and independence against Russia’s brutal aggression".

The three countries also reaffirmed their intent to continue strengthening diplomatic and security cooperation to counter the threats posed by North Korea to regional and global security and to prevent the escalation of the situation.

"The US commitments to the defense of the ROK and Japan remain ironclad. The United States, ROK, and Japan also reaffirm that the path to dialogue remains open and urge the DPRK to cease further provocations and return to negotiations," the statement said.

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