US sanctions against Iran may be indefinite

The US House supported the bill making the law that allows US president to impose harsh sanctions against the Iranian economy indefinite, Report informs, citing TASS.

The bill was supported by 407 lawmakers, while 16 voted against. Now, the bill must be reviewed by the Senate.

The bill, introduced in May, 2023, will make the 1996 Iran Sanctions Act (ISA), which expires in 2026, indefinite. The ISA, which has to be repeatedly prolonged by the Congress, allows the US executive power to impose sanctions on the energy sector in a bid to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

Over time, the presidential powers were expanded and now include the ability to impose sanctions on other areas of the Iranian industry. The Congress has repeatedly made attempts to prolong the act’s timeframe before, but these attempts were unable to pass both chambers of the Congress.

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