US Attorney General suspected of concealing contacts with Russia

Baku. 2 March. REPORT.AZ/ US Attorney General Jeff Sessions had two conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States during the presidential campaign season last year, contact that immediately fueled calls for him to recuse himself from a Justice Department investigation into Russian interference in the election.

Report informs citing the US media. 

Earlier, adviser to the US President Michael Flynn retired because of such contacts with Moscow.

Both conversations took place in 2016, when Sessions was a senator, Associated Press reported, citing Ministry of Justice. At that in the course of his approval in Congress, current head of the Ministry concealed this information.

One of the talks with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak held alone in Sessions office, said the Washington Post, the other - in a meeting with other ambassadors. 

The Ministry of Justice has stated that if he did not want to hoodwink anyone, but simply did not consider these conversations important and did not remember the details. The White House has not commented on allegations against Attorney General.

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