UN High Commissioner for Refugees appeals for global engagement to address Afghanistan's needs

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, appealed for robust assistance to address the country's humanitarian needs and those of Afghan refugees abroad, Report informs, citing the website of the UNCHR.

He declared that the world must deliver sustained support to the people of Afghanistan.

"As much as the world is rightfully preoccupied with the war in Ukraine, Afghanistan is experiencing a very grave crisis," Grandi said at the end of a four-day visit to the country.

"We speak with people who do not know what they will eat for their next meal; women heads of households afraid for the health and well-being of their children; mothers and fathers desperate to provide for their families. The needs here are enormous," Grandi declared after a visit that included opening a UNHCR-built health centre in Kandahar and a girls' school that UNHCR constructed in Jalalabad.

Grandi arrived in Afghanistan on Monday and met with the interim Afghan government as well as UN and NGO workers who continue to provide vital assistance throughout the country. During his meetings, Grandi said UNHCR's commitment to stay and deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Afghanistan is unwavering.
"Some 3.4 million people are internally displaced due to conflict, the healthcare system is experiencing severe shortages amid the COVID crisis and a measles outbreak, key workers in vital services like schools and hospitals are without salaries, while the liquidity crisis, rising global food and energy costs are having a devastating effect," Grandi declared. "Overall, 24 million people throughout Afghanistan require humanitarian support this year, and we appeal to donors to fund a large humanitarian effort which I have seen is delivering critical results."

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