Ukrainian political scientist: Rash actions of authorities play into hands of Saakashvili

Kyiv. 13 December. REPORT.AZ/ Mikheil Saakashvili will not become president of Ukraine, but he can be an effective political partner for one of the leaders who can take such a post - Yulia Tymoshenko or Anatoliy Hrytsenko.

The political consultant, head of the Institute for Public Policy and Consulting "INPOLIT" Sergei Bykov told the Ukraine bureau of Report News Agency, commenting on actions of the Ukrainian authorities regarding Saakashvili and possible developments.

"Today he does not have Ukrainian citizenship. But even if he was not deprived of citizenship, he would not have five years of residence in the territory of Ukraine. But at the same time, he is a powerful political mouthpiece, primarily "Movement of new forces”, Bykov said.

According to him, the fact that the judges made a decision in favor of Saakashvili, the presence of Yulia Tymoshenko has played an important role. "Her presence reminded of the fate of the judge Kireev, who, I recall, made a decision in the Tymoshenko case. Judges at that time understood the consequences of making political decisions on someone's call or instruction”, Bykov added.

Concerning the development of further events around Saakashvili, Sergei Bykov believes that this depends on actions of the Ukrainian authorities.

"Every step of the government demonstrates inconsistency, which plays into the hands of Saakashvili. Why making a fuss around his detention, his any actions, while creating new information reasons?! The authorities demonstrate their emotions, rash actions, and thereby increase the rating of Saakashvili. Although, if you do not react to Saakashvili's processions, leaving him alone, then soon interest in him will decrease", Bykov summed up.

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