UK and EU agree draft declaration on post-Brexit relationship

Baku. 22 November. REPORT.AZ/ The European Union and the United Kingdom have agreed a draft declaration on their post-Brexit relationship, European Council President Donald Tusk said Thursday, Report informs citing BBC.

“I have just sent to EU27 a draft Political Declaration on the Future Relationship between EU and UK. The Commission President has informed me that it has been agreed at negotiators’ level and agreed in principle at political level, subject to the endorsement of the Leaders”, President of the European Council Donald Tusk tweeted.

The publication notes that "if everything goes according to plan, the EU and the UK will use this declaration as the basis for a trade agreement."

This agreement must be approved during the 21-month transition period, which begins on March 29. During this period, the United Kingdom will remain a member of the pan-European market and the customs union.

Along with this, it is stated that if the previously agreed agreement on the withdrawal of Great Britain from the EU and the political declaration on future relations are approved at the EU summit on November 25, then Prime Minister Theresa May will have to hold these documents through the British parliament.

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