Turkmenistan advocates use of neutrality in resolving conflicts

The norms and practices of neutrality should be used more widely in the world community, which will help resolve conflict situations, Chairman of the Khalk Maslakhaty (People’s Council) of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said at Antalya Diplomacy Forum, Report informs referring to TASS.

“Neutrality, its norms and practical methods must become more effective than the means used today in the international community. We are confident that this will happen. The status of neutrality provides for non-alignment with blocs, non-use of military force and non-participation in conflicts. The more countries follow these principles, the more supporters of this approach there are, the less likely conflicts will arise. In this matter, neutrality can become a positional springboard for healthy and responsible forces, individual countries or an alliance of states, which makes it possible to resolve conflict situations and demonstrate that emerging disagreements, no matter how complex or prolonged they may be, can be resolved through peaceful methods and negotiations,” he noted.

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