Three Arab countries expel Lebanese envoy

Saudi Arabia has declared Lebanese ambassador to Riyadh Fevzi Kabbara "persona non grata," the Turkish NTV channel reports, citing the Saudi Foreign Ministry.

The kingdom has given Fevzi Kabbara 48 hours to leave the country. Saudi Arabia has recalled its ambassador to Beirut, Walid bin Abdullah al-Bukhari, for consultations.

Lebanese Information Minister George Kordahi's statement that "the cause of the war in Yemen is a Saudi attack" has caused diplomatic tensions between the two countries.

Lebanese Prime Minister Najib Mikati said the country has very good relations with Saudi Arabia. Riyadh has not yet commented on the prime minister's statement.

The Kuwaiti and Bahraini foreign ministries also protested against Kordahi's speech, declaring the Lebanese ambassador "undesirable" and giving him 48 hours to leave the country.

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