Skeletal remains found near residence of US President

US FBI investigators were attempting to identify the body of a woman whose remains were found near a hiking trail in Maryland around a mile from Camp David, Report informs, citing Fox News.

Hikers at Catoctin Mountain Park first found skeletal remains of one of the woman’s feet inside a red Nike sneaker Saturday afternoon. Her body – a skeleton was found by investigators nearby on Sunday.

No tissue remained on the body, which investigators said likely meant she had been there for between one and six months. She was also wearing light clothing, indicating the weather was warm when she died.

The woman was wearing a black tracksuit and had long dark hair in braids. A Puma handbag was found near her body with a set of keys inside and several keychains.

Investigators haven’t identified her cause of death, saying the partial dismemberment could have been caused by animals.

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