Salary of President Zelensky announced

For his first month of work as president, Volodymyr Zelensky will earn 12,727 UAH in salary (about $485). Report informs  citing the Presidential Administration which responded to the request of “Factor”.

The Head of the Main Department for Access to Public Information, Svitlana Kondzelya, has signed the document.

According to the response, there will be no bonuses or extra payments for Zelensky’s work in the past month.

2,481.82 UAH will be withheld from Zelensky’s salary. Thus, he is to receive a bit over 10 000 UAH.

Notably, at the time of drafting the document Zelensky’s salary was deposited – transferred for preservation. Consequently, Zelensky has not yet collected his earnings.

As “Apostrophe” reported earlier, Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman pleased Ukrainians with his plans to increase the minimum wage at least two times - up to $300.

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