Press: Trump is thinking about creating a new political party

The current US president, Republican Donald Trump, whose term of office expires on January 20, recently discussed with his associates the possibility of creating a new political party, Report mentions, citing The Wall Street Journal.

According to its sources, the head of state would like to call such an association a "Patriotic Party."

As the newspaper notes, Trump began to disagree with his current party members after several of them, including the leader of the Republican majority in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell, said that the president provoked the crowd to participate in riots at the Capitol on January 6. Then Trump's supporters tried to prevent Congress's approval of the presidential election results held on November 3 last year, which was won by Democrat Joseph Biden. As a result of the riots, several people were killed.

Today, President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will be sworn in at the West Front of the US capitol during the 59th Presidential Inauguration ceremony.

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