Police car destroyed, officer injured in Athens Molotov cocktail attack

In a shocking incident that unfolded in the heart of Athens, unknown assailants launched a Molotov cocktail attack on a police vehicle parked near the residence of the President of the Areios Pagos, Greece's Supreme Court.

One police officer sustained injuries as a result.

According to Report, which cites Greek public television network ERTNews, the patrol car was completely engulfed in flames and subsequently destroyed. The injured officer, who was part of the security detail, suffered facial and hand injuries but is not in critical condition.

The incident required the swift response of eight firefighters utilizing two fire engines to extinguish the blaze. In the immediate aftermath, law enforcement detained nine individuals near the scene for questioning. However, all were later released without charges.

State security personnel are meticulously analyzing surveillance camera footage in an attempt to identify and apprehend the perpetrators.

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