Poland intends to spend over $12B on construction of shelters

The Polish government will finance the construction of shelters in private homes, as well as the construction of underground infrastructure in hospitals of the Ministry of the Interior and the Defense Ministry, Rzeczpospolita newspaper said, Report informs.

The Polish government has earmarked a staggering 50 billion zlotys (approximately $12.5 billion) for this initiative, set to be completed by 2034.

The new underground facilities will be equipped with medical and technical infrastructure, including fully functional surgery rooms, intensive care units, and patient wards.

According to the Polish State Fire Service's 2023 report, the country currently has over 300,000 shelters. However, a significant portion of these are not in working condition. The existing shelters were designed to accommodate approximately 1.1 million people simultaneously, which represents less than 3% of Poland's population.

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