Pentagon preparing to evacuate entire US Embassy in Kabul

Pentagon has started planning for a full withdrawal of the American mission in Kabul, and the US Central Command sees a full embassy evacuation as “inevitable,” Report informs referring to Politico newspaper.

In a sign of the deep concern permeating Washington, the embassy’s facility manager ordered staff on Aug. 13 to start destroying documents and equipment.

The list includes classified documents, electronics, and large items that will be crushed with a large roller, according to an internal memo. Also slated for destruction are any documents featuring “American flags...which could be misused in propaganda efforts.”

At the Kabul airport, expected to be a focal point in the coming days, 3,000 US Marines and soldiers began arriving alongside 600 British soldiers to evacuate their diplomats and citizens. They will also attempt to speed up the departure of Afghans applying for visas to flee the country.

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