Pentagon: North Korea's missile launches pose threat to international community

North Korea has launched a pair of missiles for the second time in a week, Report says, citing TASS.

"North Korea this morning fired two unidentified projectiles into the East Sea from South Hamkyung Province," the South Korean government said in a statement. "South Korea and US intelligence are analyzing for any additional information."

"While our military has strengthened awareness and monitoring, ROK-US [officials] are closely working together and maintaining readiness," it added.

At least one was a medium-range ballistic missile; a US official told ABC News.

One may be a new variant, the official told ABC News, but it's not clear exactly what type of ballistic missiles were launched. South Korean officials said the missiles traveled an estimated 450 kilometers at an altitude of 60 kilometers.

"We are aware of North Korean missile launches this morning into the East Sea," Capt. Mike Kafka, a spokesperson for the United States Indo-Pacific Command, said in a statement. "We will continue to monitor the situation and are consulting closely with our allies and partners. This activity highlights the threat that North Korea's illicit weapons program poses to its neighbors and the international community. The US commitment to the defense of the Republic of Korea and Japan remains ironclad."

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