The Hill: PAC to draft Tucker Carlson for US president launches

A political action committee to get former Fox News host Tucker Carlson to run for US president is making its launch with an ad that praises him for mocking “woke nonsense” — and is aiming to pull the GOP presidential field to the right, Report informs via The Hill.

The Draft Tucker PAC, a hybrid PAC that filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission in late April shortly after Carlson was ousted from Fox News, debuted an ad on Thursday evening that is set for an initial weeklong ad on the conservative Newsmax cable channel next week.

“Republicans need a new leader, and Tucker Carlson is ready to lead,” the ad says. “No one in America is more articulate and pins down leftists in both parties better than Tucker.”

It compares the former Fox News host to the late radio host Rush Limbaugh.

“Tucker Carlson is witty, sharp, and mocks woke nonsense,” the ad says. “Tucker will whip Biden in a debate.”

Chris Ekstrom, a former Texas congressional candidate and GOP donor, is the PAC’s chairman and a financial backer of it.

Ekstrom said he knows Carlson “vaguely,” and that he was approached about forming the PAC prior to Carlson being terminated by Fox News, but thought it was not feasible if he was still a primetime host. But with that concern now gone, he thinks a Carlson presidential run is a “realistic opportunity.” He finds neither former President Trump nor Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) “fully satisfactory.”

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