NATO international battalion drills get underway in Estonia

NATO’s Bold Dragon international battalion exercises have started in Estonia, the press service of the chief headquarters of the Estonian Defense Forces said, Report informs referring to RIA Novosti.

"The Bold Dragon exercises have begun at the central training ground of the defense forces, in which the NATO international battalion, stationed in the country and the 1st infantry brigade of the defense forces, are taking part. The maneuvers are focused on preparing a new shift of the allied soldiers from the NATO battle group for operations in the Estonian landscape," the message reads.

According to NATO battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel Ru Streatfield, soldiers of the alliance have gained their first experience of maneuvering in unfamiliar terrain.

"The following days will show what the units of UK, France and Denmark are capable of. Ultimately, they should become an effective tool for the 1st Estonian Infantry Brigade, which includes the battalion," he said.

According to the source, F-16 and Eurofighter fighters of the Belgian and British air forces and British reconnaissance helicopters Wildcat are also involved in the military exercises.

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