Lithuania puts up dragon’s teeth anti-tank barriers on bridge connecting it to Russia

Lithuania installed anti-tank obstacles of reinforced concrete, known as dragon’s teeth, on a bridge that links it to Russia, the Lithuanian Defense Ministry said, Report informs via TASS.

"Today, Lithuania set up a blockade on and near the bridge in Panemune, linking Lithuania and Russia," the ministry said on X. "The setup includes mines, hedgehogs, dragon's teeth, etc."

"This is a precautionary step to ensure more effective defense," the ministry went on to say.

In early August, Lithuanian Defense Minister Laurynas Kasciunas announced a 4 million euros purchase of "counter-mobility equipment" from local manufacturers, which he said would be delivered to 27 locations near the borders with Russia and Belarus.

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Flag Square inaugurated in Shusha 19 September, 2024 / 16:58