Johnson, Guterres to work together to resolve crisis around Ukraine

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke to the United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres this evening to discuss the crisis on Ukraine’s border, Report informs, citing an official statement issued by the British PM.

The PM said there is currently little evidence of Russia disengaging, and they agreed any invasion of Ukraine would have catastrophic and far-reaching consequences.

The leaders reiterated states’ responsibility to abide by their obligations under the United Nations Charter and to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of UN members.

Johnson and Guterres also reaffirmed the importance of all parties working in good faith to implement the Minsk Agreements. The UK will be represented by Europe Minister James Cleverly at a UN Security Council meeting to discuss the implementation of the Agreements.

They agreed to continue working closely together to pursue an urgent diplomatic resolution and avert a disastrous military escalation and humanitarian crisis.

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