Japanese ministers resign over kickbacks scandal

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida set about replacing key cabinet members on Thursday as he battled to control the damage from one of the biggest scandals his ruling party has faced in decades, Report informs, citing Reuters.

Chief cabinet secretary Hirokazu Matsuno and industry minister Yasutoshi Nishimura were among those who announced their resignations on Thursday after Kishida said he was finalizing his third cabinet shake-up in 16 months.

Four ministers—all hailing from the biggest and most powerful faction within the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) that is being investigated by prosecutors—and several deputy ministers are set to be replaced.

Ex-foreign minister Yoshimasa Hayashi confirmed he had been tapped to replace Matsuno in the critical post responsible for coordinating policy across government on the premier's behalf.

"In light of the various allegations made regarding political funds, which have shaken public trust in politics, and the various allegations made regarding my own political funds, I have submitted my resignation," Matsuno said at a press conference on Thursday.

Prosecutors have launched a criminal probe into the LDP's so-called Abe faction, named after late premier Shinzo Abe, and begun questioning dozens of lawmakers for allegations of receiving about 500 million yen ($3.5 million) in fundraising proceeds missing from party accounts, news outlets reported.

Investigators will start searching for evidence in lawmakers' offices as early as next week, according to broadcaster NTV.

The probe will also examine whether other LDP factions, including one led by Kishida until last week, are involved, according to the reports.

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