Japan to resume accepting foreign tourists from June 10

Japan will begin accepting foreign tourists in stages starting June 10, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said, Report informs referring to Kyodo News.

The government will initially limit eligible tourism arrivals to guided tours as a means to reduce the potential spread of infections, and will authorize two more airports in addition to five already approved to accept international flights.

"We will continue to assess the situation, and intend to make a step-by-step return to accepting people as in normal times," the prime minister said at an international event in Tokyo.

While the government is poised to double the current cap on daily entries to 20,000 from June 2, it will likely take time to again see the large numbers of foreign visitors seen as a key pillar to Japan's economic growth.

The ministry has compiled guidelines for accommodation facilities and other tourism businesses, and plans to call on inbound visitors to take anti-virus measures such as wearing masks, officials said.

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