Italian foreign minister holds special meeting to assess Ukraine situation

Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio initiated a special meeting of the Crisis Center of the Foreign Ministry to assess the situation in Ukraine, ANSA agency reports on Saturday, citing diplomatic sources, Report informs, referring to TASS.

The agency does not specify whether the issue of a possible partial recall of Italian diplomats from Kyiv will be decided at the meeting. A number of countries have already taken this step, including the United States and some European states.

Earlier, Di Maio explained that so far, in coordination with EU partners, the recall of diplomats from Ukraine has not been considered. At the same time, the minister pointed out that the security of the diplomatic mission was strengthened, and with the assistance of the crisis center, a special platform was created for the registration of Italians in Ukraine.

The website of the Italian Foreign Ministry indicates that, due to the epidemiological situation, it is recommended to travel to Ukraine only for good reasons.

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