ISW publishes article about Iran's being behind terrorist act against Azerbaijani parliamentarian

The Institute for the Study of War has published an article about Iran's being behind the terrorist act against the Head of the Great Order Party, MP Fazil Mustafa.

According to ISW, uncorroborated reports on April 3 separately stated that three of the four individuals that Azerbaijani security services arrested for shooting Azerbaijani Parliamentarian Fazil Mustafa on March 28 were working on the order of Iranian security forces. Several Azerbaijani parliamentarians have additionally blamed Iran for the attack, as CTP previously reported.

The article also touched upon the Iranian parliament's statement condemning Azerbaijan's opening of an embassy in Israel:

"The statement follows several days of heightened tensions between Tehran and Baku. Foreign Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanani had previously condemned Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister Eli Cohen’s March 29 discussion on Iran with his Azerbaijani counterpart Jeyhun Bayramov on March 31."

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