ICRC lays off staff due to lack of funding

On March 30, 2023, ICRC's governing board approved a plan to reduce 430 million CHF in global costs over 2023 and early 2024, Report informs, citing ICRC headquarters in Geneva.

The plan to reduce costs in 2023 is now being implemented both at headquarters and in delegations worldwide. The main changes to ICRC's operations globally include:

Approximately 1,800 people worldwide will lose their jobs in the coming months. This figure does not include other staff members who may be impacted because fewer assignments will be available globally and as a result of a recruitment freeze on some positions.

26 of our 350 locations around the world will close and others will be substantially reduced, where, for example, the area can be covered by another ICRC office, or where other humanitarian or development partners can take over.

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