Hollywood director makes documentary about Yanukovych

Baku. 31 December. REPORT.AZ/ Hollywood director Oliver Stone makes the documentary about a former president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych to show the truth about the events occurred in Maidan to the western audience. Report informs referring to TASS, O.Stoun stated it in his own Facebook page.

According to his words, he visited Moscow and met with Yanukovych. "I took a four-hour interview with Yanukovych for my documentary film to be shot in English", the director said. He believes that there were the third-party agitators behind the overthrow of Yanukovych and February events in Ukraine.

"The truth is not being aired in the West. It looks surrealist distortion of the history like the situation before Bush's invasion of Iraq. I believe that the West will learn the truth and I hope that it will happen in time to avoid the folly," he noted. 

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