Historian: US proceeds solely from own interests in global conflicts

It is quite clear, through recent events in Karabakh, Ukraine and Gaza, that whilst the West has principles it applies them in an extremely selective way, according to its own interests, Irish historian and political scientist Patrick Walsh told Report.

The Karabakh conflict first exposed this fact when separatists were given strong moral support from both the White House and the US Congress, in contradiction of international law, while in Ukraine the Kyiv government were given the most extensive support possible to crush their separatists in Donbas and Crimea, he noted.

“The Gaza situation has exposed this hypocrisy to a global audience because the Israel/Palestinian conflict is much wider known. Here, because the US president believes that Israel is indispensable to US interests, Tel Aviv has been given carte blanche support to ethnically cleanse the Palestinian populace and attack the civilian population without restraint.”

Contrast this with the horror shown toward the Azerbaijani anti-terrorist measures in Karabakh which was described by some as “ethnic cleansing” and “attempted genocide,” despite the fact that every means possible was employed to restrict military operations to merely military targets and encourage the populace to remain, he added.

“Of course, Afghanistan is another example of this hypocrisy, where Washington instigated and supported a revolt over Soviet attempts to educate Afghan women to weaken the USSR. They made Afghanistan a battlefield for a generation and then packed up and left leaving the women in a much worse position than they had been during the 1970s.”

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