Georgia says it deserves EU candidate status by end of 2023

Georgia is finalizing the work to fulfill the 12 recommendations and is deserving the EU Candidate status by the end of the year, the press service of the Georgian government said on Tuesday following the talks between the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili and the European Council President Charles Michel in Brussels, Report informs via TASS.

“Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili met with President of the European Council Charles Michel during his visit to Brussels. The main topic of the meeting was the process of Georgia's membership in the EU. Irakli Garibashvili told the President of the European Council about the efforts aimed at the implementation of 12 priorities by Georgia, noting that in this process the authorities are constantly consulting with the institutions of the European Union and member states,” the press service said.

“According to the Prime Minister, most of the recommendations have already been implemented, and in line with the progress made, Georgia deserves to be granted candidate status by the end of the year.”

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