General Staff: Turkish army destroyed 90 Daesh targets in northern Syria

Baku. 9 November. REPORT.AZ/ Turkey’s General Staff said that Turkish forces have destroyed a total of 90 Islamic State (IS) terrorist group targets alongside five Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) positions in the past 24 hours as part of the Euphrates Shield operation in northern Syria, Report informs referring to the Russian media.

Turkish forces have destroyed a total of 90 Daesh terrorist group targets alongside five Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) positions in the past 24 hours as part of the Euphrates Shield operation in northern Syria, Turkey’s General Staff said in a statement on Tuesday. "Our armed forces destroyed 90 Daesh targets and five targets of PYD-Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). During the operations, two opposition fighters were killed and 26 were injured, no injuries among Turkish troops have been reported," the statement read. 

The Free Syrian Army (FSA) armed opposition group took over seven inhabited areas near the northern Syrian town of Al Rai in the Aleppo governorate, the General Staff added, noting that the total area under FSA control in northern Syria now amounts to 1,500 square kilometers (579 square miles), containing 186 inhabited locations. 

The Turkish military launched an operation to clear the Syrian border town of Jarabulus and the surrounding area of the Islamic State, outlawed in Russia and multiple other countries, on August 24 prompting accusations of invasion from Damascus and Syrian Kurds.

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