French presidential candidate: EU must reform or face prospect of Frexit

Baku. 1 May. REPORT.AZ/ The EU must reform or face the prospect of "Frexit". Report informs, the front-runner in the French presidential election Emmanuel Macron has told the BBC.

"I'm a pro-European, I defended constantly during this election the European idea and European policies because I believe it's extremely important for French people and for the place of our country in globalization," Macron said.

Mr Macron added that if he were to allow the EU to continue to function as it was would be a "betrayal".

"And I don't want to do so," he said. "Because the day after, we will have a Frexit or we will have [Ms Le Pen's] National Front (FN) again."

Macron’s far-right rival Marine Le Pen said in an interview with Europe1 radio that the European Union should be replaced with European Alliance of free and sovereign states.

Notably, second round of the presidential elections in France will be held on May 7. Two candidates Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will compete for this post.

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