France lifts outdoor mask-wearing rule

France began lifting coronavirus restrictions including mandatory outdoor mask-wearing in a bid to ease citizens' daily lives, dividing opinion as the country only last month reported record COVID-19 infections.

Report informs, citing foreign media, that audience capacity limits for concert halls, sporting matches and other events were also removed, and although homeworking will no longer be mandated it is still recommended.

France "will be able to lift most of the restrictions taken to curb the epidemic in February" thanks to the new vaccination pass, which replaced the health pass, Prime Minister Jean Castex said in January.

Since last month proof of inoculation records have been required for the new passes - needed to access everything from bars and restaurants to long-distance public transport.

Previously, the health pass could also be obtained with a recent negative COVID-19 test, a possibility the government ended in its bid to convince more people to get COVID-19 jabs.

The second stage of the curb-lifting will see nightclubs, shut since December, reopen on February 16 and standing areas will again be allowed at concerts, sporting events and bars.

France reported 416,896 coronavirus cases over the past day.

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