Estonia's Prime Minister Kaja Kallas resigns

Prime Minister of Estonia Kaja Kallas submitted her resignation to President Alar Karis on Monday morning, Report informs via ERR.

Kallas is stepping down after being nominated as the European Union's High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

She technically remains head of the government until the new coalition is sworn in.

Kallas has held the role of prime minister since 2021 and led three consecutive governments. She will also resign as Reform Party chairman later this summer.

Negotiations are already underway between Reform, SDE, Eesti 200 to continue the current power union. Kristen Michal is leading discussions having been nominated as the Reform Party's prime ministerial candidate.

The president will now hold discussions with the parties and then allocate the responsibility of forming a government. Usually, it is given to the largest party in the Riigikogu (Parliament), which is Reform.

A new government is likely to take office at the start of August.

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