Erdogan: Recognition of two states is prerequisite for settlement in Cyprus

The solution to the Cyprus problem is possible only by recognizing the fact of the existence of two states on the divided island, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during his speech in Nicosia, Report informs.

"We do not believe in solving the Cyprus problem in a federal way. It will not benefit anyone to continue negotiations from where we left off in Switzerland many years ago," Erdogan highlighted.

The president also noted that to resolve the issue, the parties to the conflict in Cyprus should sit at the negotiating table and have equal rights in all matters.

According to Erdogan, a stable solution is possible only based on the recognition of two states.

"An example of our efforts towards the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus was the participation of its President Ersin Tatar at the summit of the Organization of Turkish States (OTS) held in Shusha. I want to thank my dear brother, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev for his decisive leadership," Erdogan added.

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