Donald Trump warns Angela Merkel

Baku. 6 July. REPORT.AZ/ "They want to protect themselves from Russia, meanwhile they pay billions of dollars to Russia".

Report informs citing the Haber7, US President Donald Trump has warned German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

"They want to be protected from Russia, however sign contracts with Russia on natural gas and oil and pay billions for Russian gas. Moreover, you do not pay NATO membership fees. I said, Angela I cannot guarantee, but we're protecting you. But this is more important than what you've done for us. It is unknown that how much we are protected by protecting you. The United States will not pay whole costs for Europe's defense alone. We all were stupid fools who paid all costs alone. I will go to NATO and say that you have to pay all expenses. The US cannot count on everything",  he said.

Notably,  NATO summit will be held in Brussels on July 11-12. 

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