China's war on economic crimes: Thousands arrested in six-month blitz

In a sweeping six-month campaign aimed at regulating the market and improving the business environment, Chinese authorities have arrested more than 62,000 individuals suspected of various economic crimes.

According to Report, the nationwide crackdown, initiated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate in February, has yielded significant progress in maintaining market order and fostering a healthier business climate.

Фccording to official figures, the number of people charged with "disrupting market order" has surged by 36.5% compared to 2023. Among those arrested are 5,827 executives and responsible personnel from private enterprises, accused of embezzlement and bribery – a staggering 41.1% increase from the previous year. Additionally, 8,894 individuals faced charges related to intellectual property rights infringements.

The crackdown also targeted law enforcement and judicial officials, with prosecutors intensifying supervision to prevent abuse of power in civil and business disputes. The Supreme People's Procuratorate oversaw 24 high-profile cases involving both state-owned and private enterprises, signaling the government's resolve to tackle economic misconduct at all levels.

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