China lifts lockdown on Wuhan - VIDEO

China has ended its lockdown of Wuhan, the original epicenter of the coronavirus crisis, as the city reemerges from a deadly outbreak that is now raging across the globe, CNN reported.

But even as Wuhan reopens its borders after 76 days, some restrictions within the city will remain in place, and officials warn that the threat of further infections remains far from over.

The metropolis of 11 million had been sealed off from the outside world since January 23 in an unprecedented effort to contain the outbreak.

On Wednesday, healthy residents and visitors will finally be allowed to leave Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province, with trains and flights resumed, and highway entrances reopened.

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged in late 2019 in China’s Hubei province, and the virus has spread to 209 countries and territories since then.

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