Australia to end Covid border restrictions

People arriving in Australia will no longer have to declare their Covid vaccination status or obtain a travel exemption under changes to come into effect this week, Report informs via The Guardian.

The home affairs minister, Clare O’Neil, announced on Sunday that the government would dump the restrictions that have been in place since the country’s borders reopened late last year, with the changes to the Biosecurity Act made following advice from the chief medical officer, Paul Kelly.

The change will come into effect on Wednesday.

“This is great news for families coming home from school holidays who now don’t need to use the DPD [digital passenger declaration],” O’Neil said.

“Removing these requirements will not only reduce delays in our airports but will encourage more visitors and skilled workers to choose Australia as a destination.”

The digital pass, which was announced last September and cost an estimated $75 million to develop, replaced the original passenger arrival form and required people to upload their vaccination status ahead of entering Australia.

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